My name is Jenna and I’m the creative hands behind Some Wear Wild.
I was born and raised in Homer, Alaska. For as long as I can remember, summers were spent working on fishing boats and calling the mountains of Kachemak Bay my playground. My family lived seasonally in the native villages of western Alaska where my Dad was a teacher. Together we fished, hunted and joined my Dad’s winter trapline to live a subsistence lifestyle and make memories doing it.
With a love for remote Alaska, I now work seasonally at a fly-in destination fishing lodge on the north edge of the Alaska Peninsula.
Moose are weaved all throughout the Alaskan lifestyle. The joy of fresh calves in the spring, finding our gardens trimmed and trampled in the summers, and most memorably, the fall family hunts that connected us and filled our freezers for the winter. Moose are an immense contributor to lives here.
I thought it only fitting that I add a
touch of their wild to our wardrobes.
After decades spent in the native villages of the lower Yukon River, my Dad owns a business sourcing Moose antlers from the Yup’ik Alaskans in that area. He has built connections with locals and developed knowledge of the land making it possible to efficiently operate out of such an isolated part of the state.